Different Acne Scar Removal To Give Your Skin A Better ComplexionWhen the skins tissue is damaged from acne, scarring can result There are effective removal techniques available but prevention is by far the best treatment. By taking control of acne early on and minimizing any chance the skin will scar in the future. Listed below is a list of 4 basic types of acne scars. Hypertrophic scars Ice pick scars(1-2 mm across) Rolling scars (usually wider than 4mm) Box car scars The majority of people suffer from hollow acne scars. There are people who can suffer from keloids, which is when the skin heals excess tissue is made leaving a raised scar. People with Keloids may find they run in the family and that treatment is more difficult than for depressed acne scars. Acne Scar Treatments Before any treatment is undertake any active acne you currently have should be dealt with first. The correct removal techniques will depend on the type of scars to be treated and also the type of skin of the individual. Filler substances are used for shallow acne scars, building up the tissue and leveling it out. There's several of these fillers on the market. More removal techniques for depressed acne scars are laser, Microdermabrasion,chemical peeling, dermabrasion, surgery,. For the treatment of keloids chemical peels aren't usually used but steroids maybe used by injecting them around the keloid. The procedure of Dermabrasion has a wide variety of uses such as facial scarring, pre-cancerous skin growths (keratoses), freckles, age spots, skin pigmentation, sun damage, post surgery marks, tattoos, wrinkles and frown lines, acne spot and other acne scars. There's several lasers on the market including the Pixel Laser Affirm Laser, and Fraxel Laser. Laser treatment has taken over from many other methods as technology has advanced. Laser resurfacing procedure means there's not as many issues for hypopigmentation as it takes away skin very precisely, one layer at a time and treatment is often incorporated with other methods. Before you do anything you should talk it over with a Dermatologist who will look at your particular requirements and inform you as to what methods are right for you and the outcome you can expect. So the good news is you don't have to put up with your acne scarring as they can usually be sorted out by a dermatologic surgeon or dermatologist. Submitted by Terry Depper who has suffered many years with acne and scarring as a result. Having gone through many treatments and so called cures, is in a position to give of his knowledge as someone that has now seen the back of acne and much of his acne scars. Learn more about acne and acne scars visit the Acne Solution Site.
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